Graham (BJ) Brayon, Uncle Jack Charles and Uncle Bootsie Thorpe at Fitzroy’s Atherton Gardens
Photograph by Chris Hopkins/The Age


In the Woi Wurrung language Yalinguth means ‘yesterday’. The Yalinguth app is an audio experience reflecting the oral tradition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

An Immersive Audio Experience

Yalinguth uses geo-located stories and sounds to take you on a journey through time. Our Elders guide us along the journey, and tell us that “we need to go back, to go forwards”.

Within the spatialised sound environment you navigate by audio cues, with a simple map showing your location and where to find stories, songs and poems.

The first Yalinguth location has been developed around Gertrude Street in Ngár-go/Fitzroy, a highly significant area for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Rights movement.

We invite you to take initiative and uncover the wisdom and stories of our Elders and ancestors as you walk your own journey.

Want to find out more? Check out the Atlas of the Future feature article to find out more information about Yalinguth!

Truth Telling, Healing & Reconciliation

Without truth, we cannot heal, without healing, we cannot reconcile.

Yalinguth aims to connect all communities to historical firsthand accounts told by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. The core purpose is to increase empathy, respect, and community connection.

Yalinguth is also a celebration of the Elders who paved the way for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Rights in Victoria and Australia.


Aunty Rieo Ellis and Bobby Nicholls testing the Yalinguth app


Yalinguth Team

Partner Organisations

Elder Advisors

Bobby Nicholls
Uncle Colin Hunter
Rob Bundle
Denise McGuinness
Aunty Rieo Ellis

For details about the extensive team including storytellers, story gatherers and app creators see the App Credits.


Art and Design

The User Interface design and branding of Yalinguth has been inspired by the work of two young artists, Larna Massari and Graham (BJ) Braybon.

Larna and BJ were employed on the project to create beautiful drawings, icons, and designs that are featured throughout the User Interface of the app and across our marketing material.

Larna won the Yalinguth Art Prize in 2020, and her winning artwork inspired the design of the Yalinguth logo. Larna is a high school student from Melbourne, and a direct descendant of the Yuwaalaraay people.

BJ is a Yalinguth story gatherer, Gunaikurnai artist, and the grandson of Yalinguth storyteller and much loved community elder Uncle Bootsie Thorpe. BJ was awarded the Yalinguth Design Award in 2021.


Artwork by Larna Massari (left) Artwork by Graham (BJ) Braybon (right)

Our Supporters

A huge thank you to the following organsiations, who have provided
funding and in kind support to make Yalinguth happen.